fredag 13 maj 2011

dikt 2

Once upon a time, there was a fly.

The fly was returning home after his hunt for food.

The fly saw something strange, small and tall lights.

So the fly flew closer to the lights, it was beautiful…but then he realized it wasn’t the was death!

The light was spider web, and the fly was caught in the web.

A fat black spider came through the darkness.

He came closer to the fly untill he was really close to the fly`s head.

The spider said “mmmm you look tasty, like a fly”

The fly cried and said “plz don’t kill meeee”

The spider though and said “hmmmm….NO!”.

The spider said “don’t worry, just sleep like a fly” and so the fly did when the spider told him.

And then the fat black spider showed his teeths and ate the fly, alive!

Rumors has spread to the Fly`s father.
The father of the fly was angry and sad…He wanted revenge!
The father flew the same way, as his son.
He searched the whole night after the spider, and in the morning he found the web, the spider’s home.
He saw the spider, he saw his revenge!
The spider was sleeping in the web, and now it was time!
The spider woke up, but he wasn’t in his web anymore.
Instead, he was lying on the ground, with no teeths and broken legs.
He tried to struggle but it was too much pain and he couldn’t move.
He saw the father of the fly.
The father was happy, because he could have his revenge now.
He took the spider, and flew him in the air.
The father of the fly said “You captured my son, you made him suffer, and you killed him, but now, I will kill you”
The father of the fly looked deep in the spiders eight eyes, and he said “now, it`s your turn, monster….sleep like a spider”.

And after that, no more flies were captured by the spider…or?

A voice from darkness said….”sleep….like…..a……….flyyyy….”

……..The black one is ded?, but there was a green one….he want some silence of the fly`s wings….by making them sleep like flies….now………THE END

Detta är lite cp, men jag skriver de här stories ändå :D , dikt 1:

God said…

3 years after god`s creation of the world: God said the humans was a creation of itself, the human shall make the world into a good world.
But it takes time until the humans will experiment the world.

500 after Christ: God said the humans were selfish and greedy, all they care about is money, fame and their life…God begins to think that the humans maybe fails their goal.

Now 2011 after Christ: God said the humans were the destruction of his creation, now the god thinks that the humans are against him.
The humans is slowly destroying his world, what will god do?

2015, the fuuuuuutuuuuure: God said to a human “if you are not destruction, why would I keep the humans in my territory? The human said: Becauuuuuse a lajk tau fauck yamama”. God thinks that the humans are nothing more than idiots in this world, he made a terrible mistake. Then god had a plan…He will kill his creation and create a new one. God asked the human “if you going to die now, what were your last words?” The human said “Ai wiyll saisd: GAUD ISCH FAKKING RYTARDSCHSH AIYND HY KAUN GAUU AUND FAKK AU GAUUT”. The god got mad and said "ok, its enough! Time to die, worthless human". The human said "Huh?? ...FAKKYU! FAKKYUFAKKYUFAKKYU FAKKYU!!!". God killed the human and destroyed the world… Now it’s time for a new creation…A BETTER ONE!

torsdag 5 maj 2011

"lol" Haiku

Mamma sa kebab! :D
Men det fick jag inte, NEJ! >:(
Mamma sa kebab! :D

tisdag 3 maj 2011

Haiku och Tanka (engelsk)

In natures wrath
I lied there for now
God said "death"

Now it is winter
Ice is stronger for now
But dont guess it...
It will be destroyed...
God will melt it with his sun...

måndag 2 maj 2011

Interwiew of crash!

Interwiew of Crash

In this movie, there is more than one story.

In this movie, there is much racism, threat and crimes.

This movies story is about two days in Los Angeles, with some interrelated characters.

A police detective called Graham Waters was working; it was night….and a murder scene.

They found a body just outside a free-way, and the body had a bullet in his skin.

The man is black, this murder scene maybe could start with racism?  

But this story was in day two, if we go back two days and look at all characters, who is involved in the same story.

The detective story is that he searched for something, what could it be..?

A thing, a new hope, a friend?   

In another part of the town, in a gun store, there was a Persian guy called Farhad, and his daughter Dorri.

Farhad wants to buy a gun…why? Could this man been involved in the murder scene?

Farhad hated mexican people for one thing….what could it be for?

This novel says how it could be in New York in just 2 days, and all those crimes in this novel have a same purpose.

The title: “crash” is a word for something unpleased, an accident, and this novel have much things as unpleased.

The authors writing style has a good meaning of New York, because conflicts in the movie is actually common in that nation, and some people thinks its rare, but for me its common.

I react a little when some people in the Novell says automatically words like: “damn you black idiot” or “go back to mexico” in the beginning of the movie, and that felt a little uneasy that it could happen common in NY. 

Love is.....

Love is a spider who likes to sleep.
Love is when you think of something deep.
Love is when a sound says “beep”
Love is

Love is between a beggar and a coin.
Love is when a bad thing becomes to soil.
Love is hell, it can boil.
Love is

Love is from a queen.
Love is not mean.
Love is between me and a white headset from Steelseries…, its king!
Love is boya….

onsdag 23 mars 2011

Historia Islam

1. Griskött, Judarna har en del av palestina.

2. 1389
3. Shiiter, Sunniter

4. Shiiter vill att muhammeds makt ska gå till hans släktingar medans Sunniter vill att de som är experter att ta hand om makt, ska ha makten.

5. Folk som är med i korståg är plundrare som säger de gör det i guds namn, Korsriddare är en soldat, som har svurit en ed att delta i korståg.

6. Makt och kontroll t.ex i Irak.

7.  De respekterar andras religion, men att ha muslimsk blod och har andra trosriktningar är nästan förbjudet.

8. Människornas ansikten har inga detaljer, och det är mycket mönster i arabisk konst. De har uppfunit alkohol.

9. Dålig ekonomi handel.

11. De mesta av Wahabiterna lever i Iran, de rånar och dödar muslimska folket.

12. 1-2%

13. Indien, Israel, Afghanistan, Libyen,

14. Både ja och nej, En del muslimer krigar inte mot oss, medans en annan del muslimer krigar mot oss för att de tolkar koranen fel.

15. Vi kan lära muslimer vårt språk, utbildning som leder till jobb, religion. Muslimer kan lära oss deras språk och religion.

16. Varför har Gadaffi orsakat krig?

onsdag 16 februari 2011

Kommun O Landsting Instuderingsfrågor

1. Hur financierar kommunen sina uppgifter?

2. Vad gör kommunfullmäktige och landstingsfullmäktige?

3. vad är nämnder?

4. vem/vilka sköter nämnder?

5. ge exempel på kommun och landsting.

6. vilka uppgifter jobbar kommunen mest på?

7. Vad är skillanden på kommunens uppgifter och länens uppgifter?

8. vem/vilka stödjer kommuner och landsting?