måndag 2 maj 2011

Interwiew of crash!

Interwiew of Crash

In this movie, there is more than one story.

In this movie, there is much racism, threat and crimes.

This movies story is about two days in Los Angeles, with some interrelated characters.

A police detective called Graham Waters was working; it was night….and a murder scene.

They found a body just outside a free-way, and the body had a bullet in his skin.

The man is black, this murder scene maybe could start with racism?  

But this story was in day two, if we go back two days and look at all characters, who is involved in the same story.

The detective story is that he searched for something, what could it be..?

A thing, a new hope, a friend?   

In another part of the town, in a gun store, there was a Persian guy called Farhad, and his daughter Dorri.

Farhad wants to buy a gun…why? Could this man been involved in the murder scene?

Farhad hated mexican people for one thing….what could it be for?

This novel says how it could be in New York in just 2 days, and all those crimes in this novel have a same purpose.

The title: “crash” is a word for something unpleased, an accident, and this novel have much things as unpleased.

The authors writing style has a good meaning of New York, because conflicts in the movie is actually common in that nation, and some people thinks its rare, but for me its common.

I react a little when some people in the Novell says automatically words like: “damn you black idiot” or “go back to mexico” in the beginning of the movie, and that felt a little uneasy that it could happen common in NY. 

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